“Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis.”
“Operating a business in a manner that meets or exceeds the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations that society has of business”
Corporate responsibility is a fundamental element in Service City’s business, brand and culture. Service City aims to set the standards for the industry through initiatives that not only make a positive impact, but also make good business sense. We have three priorities: energy efficiency, managing hazardous materials in our services, and take back and recycling. We are also focusing on developing mobile services to promote more sustainable lifestyles. We have also set high ethical standards for our supply chain. We seek to provide consumers with accessible high quality products that meet their needs and to trade with our customers responsibly. Above all, we aim to make a positive contribution to society at the local and global level. Below is an ever-growing apple tree which adorns our reception symbolizes and portrays a little bit that we as Service city do
Environment, Health & Safety (EHS)
“Service City is committed to provide and maintain a healthy, safe and secure work environment for all its employees and any other persons who may be affected by its activities.”
We are committed to minimize risks to the environment as well as health and safety of our employees and others involved in its operations. To this end, the company is committed to Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) through: Compliance with applicable laws and regulations: Implementing systems, programs and measures to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Live Life: Our Live Life program provides a common easily recognized umbrella for all our work life balance related offerings and services. It aims to energize and lift the spirit at the work place. Live Life promotes our employees’ needs and well-being providing various activities in three areas: Health, Leisure and financial planning.
Service City Helping Hands: Our mission as employees is to make meaningful contributions where we operate. Our initiatives influence Service City’s overall corporate culture in a sustainable way.
Staff awareness: We have developed trainings to raise awareness and mobilize our employees on environmental issues which affect both business and personal life. Increasing our employee awareness and understanding of environmental matters are at the heart of the partnership with the Energy Conservation Department (DEWA) and Emirates Environmental Group on recycling materials (EEG). Examples of joint activities include the internal web based learning materials, training workshops on business cases with an environmental focus, and seminars covering relevant and topical environmental issues. Internal environmental forums are organized throughout the year as well as interactive environmental activities at Service City sites aimed at promoting both general and local environmental issues.
Continuous improvement: Undertaking appropriate reviews and evaluation of its performance in the areas of EHS to identify opportunities for continuous improvement.
In association with: EEG (Emirates Environmental Group), Dubai Municipality, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai Charity Association, Red Crescent, PC refurbishment Centre and Emirates Wildlife Society.
Our Environment Policy:
Service city is committed to consistently comply with the pertinent environmental regulations and guidelines laid down by the legal and regulatory bodies, principals, and our organization in all business elements of service, delivery, training, administration and competence analysis. The departmental environmental objectives have been set at all functional levels to promote and encourage an eco friendly work culture by adopting pollution preventing techniques wherever applicable.
Our commitment towards continual improvement is underlined by our environmental management system realized through training’s, environmental resource planning, and effective data analysis of the significant aspects. Successive maintenance and review of the set objectives and targets by a set of eco- conscious people, right from the top management to all functional levels, will be done on a periodic basis. We will foster dialogue with all our stakeholders and respond to their concerns about potential environmental impacts of our operations, and cooperate, wherever practical, in global environmental management programs”